Tutorials on creating custom blocks usually use creating a single block as an example. This makes sense because you may need to create only one custom block, and having a plugin with a single custom block is the best way if you want to share it.

There are many reasons to have several custom blocks in a single plugin, like making a shareable collection of blocks for a type of site or having all the custom blocks for a client’s site in a single plugin.

You can do this in many ways, but most of them include changing the initial folder structure of the plugin created with @wordpress/create-block and adding custom start and build scripts.

This is the easy way.

You have a main PHP file like name-of-your-plugin.php and a src folder with your block that gets built in a build folder — src/index.js will create build/index.js — and this build folder will be what gets used on the site using register_block_type( __DIR__ . '/build' ).

To create, let’s say, block-a and block-b, you have to move all the contents inside src to a new folder within, like src/block-a — instead of src/index.js you will have src/block-a/index.js, which will create build/block-a/index.js.

Then you just have to duplicate the block-a folder for each new block, like block-b.

And finally, in the plugin main PHP file use register_block_type( __DIR__ . '/build/block-a' ) and add a new call to the function for each block, for example, register_block_type( __DIR__ . '/build/block-b' ).

That’s it. Your plugin files and folders will look like this:

- /build
- - /block-a
- - - …
- - /block-b
- - - …
- /node_modules
- /src
- - /block-a
- - - …
- - /block-b
- - - …
- .editorconfig
- .gitignore
- name-of-your-plugin.php
- package.json
- package-lock.json
- readme.txt

Inside name-of-your-plugin.php you will have:

function name_of_your_plugin_block_init() {
   register_block_type( __DIR__ . '/build/block-a' );
   register_block_type( __DIR__ . '/build/block-b' );
add_action('init', 'name_of_your_plugin_block_init');

As you are using the same default folder structure, when you use npm start it will automatically replicate the new folders inside src to build.